
Published on by julia's story

Cross-legged on my deck, I sit on a sunny afternoon in the house that will be home for God only knows how
long. The white lattice fence with square or diamond shapes, depending on your perspective, faces me immobile. Sensing a state of introspection coming forth, I shut my eyes and become attuned to my surroundings.enjoy-silence.png
An engine overhead roars of destinations unknown, as cars whisk along the street in silence. I wonder if anyone other than me is aware of a bird’s occasional chirp, the nearby child’s cry or the gust of momentary wind. Constant fleeting motion reminds me of how much I miss when my mind is preoccupied.
The adage that time waits for no one has been proven accurate more often than not, but what about the reverse--no one waits for time? We are taught to seize the moment and make things happen, but perhaps it’s better to be still, lest we ruin a grander event from occurring.
God, the Father I have always known of, though the One I am often too busy to listen to, talks to us in subtle ways. Perhaps it’s via the writing on a billboard, an unexpected phone call, or vivid dreams, but He does speak. We have simply chosen not to hear.
What can we do to make our ears sensitive to His voice?  Simply stop. He will begin to whisper, and before we know it, we will be marching with Him in synchronicity.
diff drummersBoth of my ears are at attention. I am tired of moving with two left feet while playing my own drum.
Do you feel the same?
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