Who Bewitched You?

Published on by julia's story


"Creatures of habit," someone said with genuine authority, "that is what we are."   "Much like a skilled chess player, if we look closely enough, we can predict a person's next move."  chess.jpg
"That sounds somewhat reasonable, but when the exact opposite happens, and our mind is left in a fog, why we are surpised?" I formed my rebuttal. 
Perhaps we believe that people are made from cookie cutters, and we venture to guess their motives.  That can be attempted in the law enforcement field, where you are taught to make judement calls, based on training and experience.  However, even then, you must allow for errors, because the modus operandi you claim as accurate is not always so. 
To truly know how someone thinks, we must have the mind of God, who is omniscient.  We are not God.  All of us are hard-wired differently, and the life we live re-shapes us further, so how can we boast, I know how you think?  
Who bewitched you into believing that minds were swatches you chose from, to adorn your home, fitting perfectly where you saw fit?   Who can undoubtedly know our thoughts, when sometimes we betray our own thinking?   
mind.jpgHaving asked myself those questions, the blinding white, light became clear--Let it go.   


Do not dwell on a broken promise, or someone's reluctance to do as you wish; it may be that your expectations were grander.   
Let us not delve into someone else's mind, when ours is just as unclear.     



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Tienes toda la razon,el unico que tiene poder para leer nuestra mente es nuestro Senor ni nosotros mismo podemos entender lo que a veces pasa por nuestra mente y menos tratar de pensar que podemos<br /> leer la de otros,